As a passionate software developer, I am constantly striving to create innovative and efficient solutions for my clients. With a strong focus on coding best practices and user experience, I'm dedicated to delivering top-quality products that meet the needs of end-users and exceed their expectations. My impulse to constantly learn and improve has helped me stay ahead of industry trends and develop cutting-edge software applications. I'm eager to bring my passion and expertise to your organization and contribute to its success.

My Freelance Projects

Food StoreSince 2020

A web system has been developed with the aim of improving the process of fast food preparation and delivery. The system encompasses various roles for kitchen, delivery, and administration. Its implementation arose from the overwhelming influx of orders experienced by a local company. The system significantly aided in streamlining and expediting the delivery process, ensuring prompt service to customers in record time.

Some of the main features of the system include:

- Customer registration through Google accounts.

- Online purchases for convenient ordering.

- Real-time order tracking.

- Automatic stock control to maintain inventory levels.

- Raffles for registered customers as an additional incentive.

- Visualization of orders on a map by administrators and delivery personnel.

- Real-time wallet for deliveries

- Charts and reports generation to analyze sales and average delivery times.

Following its remarkable success, in 2023, a new client from a different location began utilizing the system.


Eléctrica Caporale2019 - 2023

Online store specializing in lighting and electrical products, had a website developed to provide an optimal experience for its customers. The platform offered several noteworthy features, including:

- User registration with Google and Facebook authentication, allowing customers to access and make purchases quickly and securely.

- Implementation of a points accumulation system, managed by the merchant, that provided incentives for customers to make recurring purchases and foster loyalty to the store.

- Integration of Google Analytics and a DataStudio dashboard to visualize the results and statistics of website visits, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making and improving the user experience.

However, starting in 2023, the company ceased operations.


ChenlosegurosSince 2020

Website focused on selling various types of Mapfre insurance policies. The products are listed by category for easy browsing. In response to the insurance broker's request, a Facebook sharing button has been added to facilitate product promotion on this social media platform.

If a customer wants to learn more about a product, they can fill out a form, which is then sent via email to the designated person responsible for communicating with customers. Additionally, there is a WhatsApp button available for quick access to chat with the insurance broker and facilitate communication.


Truck ManagerSince 2021

A system has been developed targeting companies in the heavy-duty transportation industry, which offers the following functionalities:

- Record of completed trips: The system allows for a detailed record of all trips undertaken by the company, including relevant information such as the route, date, and details of the transported cargo.

- Payment registration: The system automates the process of registering and accrediting payments associated with each trip. This facilitates tracking of customer payments and provides a clear overview of the generated income.

- Vehicle maintenance record: The system provides a feature for recording and tracking the maintenance of heavy-duty vehicles used by the company. This includes documenting services, repairs, oil changes, and other essential details to ensure the fleet remains in optimal condition.

- Expiration reminders: The system offers automated reminders for SUCTA deadlines.

With this system, companies in the heavy-duty transportation sector can achieve more efficient operational control, enhance financial management, and ensure proper maintenance of their vehicle fleet.


AgustyleSince 2021

After spending time coordinating schedules with clients, Agustyle, a barbershop, has been granted the opportunity to implement an online booking system. Now, clients can view the availability of appointments at the establishment by registering through Facebook or Google.

The administrator has the ability to view and cancel appointments as needed. Additionally, once a client has made a reservation, they have the option to create a reminder in their personal calendar.

As a result of this solution, it has been observed that the barbershop now has a more stable schedule throughout the month and has experienced a significant increase in reservations. This has allowed for the optimization of the scheduling process and improved efficiency in time management for both the establishment and its clients.


Servi TecSince 2021

It started as a system to record mechanic jobs in the field, aiming to maintain a history of completed work and manage payment for the services rendered.

The system includes an agenda feature that allows the administrator to schedule future visits, and it sends advance notifications to the administrator via push notifications, email, and WhatsApp messages.

To enhance web visibility, it has been decided to add a landing page that showcases information about the company and displays relevant photos of completed jobs. This addition will contribute to presenting a more professional and appealing image to potential clients visiting the website.


Work Experience

  • Since 2022

    I started my professional career at Sonda motivated by the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and explore new ways to apply them in innovative projects. Since then, I have had the chance to work on sev...

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  • 2020 - 2022

    During my work experience at Batotal, I had the opportunity to work on the development of financial systems for banks in Peru and Uruguay. I carried out this work remotely, which allowed me to adapt to the demands and...

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  • 2016 - 2020

    Developing for a main project while collaborating with other projects within the company. Engaging in self-training to improve programming skills. Succes...

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  • 2014 - 2016

    As a member of a highly skilled team, I was responsible for providing comprehensive technical support for various IT infrastructures, such as networks, printers, and user access to platforms. Additionally, I ensured t...

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I am a professional with a solid background in the programming and application development sector. In 2017, I completed my training as a Programmer Analyst at CTC ORT, which allowed me to acquire a solid foundation in programming and software development.

In addition, I have taken several online courses through Platzi, a leading online training platform. During these courses, I have learned skills in application development with ASP .NET, Frontend with React.js, Firebase, and multi-platform application development with Xamarin. This wide range of skills has allowed me to have an integral perspective on application development for multiple platforms.

Before my training as a Programmer Analyst and the completion of these courses, I obtained a Technological Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from ITSP in 2012. This provided me with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of computer science and prepared me to continue developing my skills in the field of programming and application development.

In summary, my solid training and skills acquired through online courses enable me to be prepared to face any challenge in application development on different platforms.


Agustin Ceballos
Agustin Ceballos
Owner at Agustyle

"Mi nombre es Agustín y me dedico a trabajar en el área de estética masculina más precisamente en el corte de cabello y barba, llevo más o menos 5 años en el rubro y hace aproximadamente 3 años atrás, me ví obligado por causa de la pandemia a organizar mi clientela, hasta el momento trabajaba por orden de llegada, llegando a tener en el local de 5 a 8 personas esperando para ser atendidos, comencé a usar métodos como reservas por WhatsApp, pero aún así, no encontraba la solución para lograr un orden y una eficiencia, ya que tenía que estar atento al teléfono y a la ves atendiendo a los clientes, Gracias a Brian Bentancourt encontré la solución a mi problema, me diseño una aplicación de agenda web por la cual los clientes se pueden agrandar ellos mismos, y así yo poder trabajar tranquilo y no estar pendiente al teléfono, hoy día ya a un poco más de 1 año pasada la pandemia sigo trabajando de la misma manera, ya que la aplicación web tuvo muy buena aceptación por los clientes y resultó una herramienta de solución para mí, siendo también una novedad en mi rubro."

Bruno Fiorelli
Bruno Fiorelli
Owner at Befe Burgers

"Como reseña al servicio que brinda Brian, debo decir que en nuestro caso gestionó un programa que optimizó el trabajo laboral y la atención al cliente. Mejoramos en varios ambitos gracias al sistema! La atención personal de Brian siempre fue excelente también, solucionado dudas o corrigiendo detalles lo más rápido posible."

Sebastián Fagúndez
Sebastián Fagúndez
Co-Founder at BurgerHouse

"Haber contratado los servicios de Brian, nos ha brindado la capacidad de poder captar ventas y gestionar nuestros pedidos de la mejor manera posible. Adquirimos dichos servicios en un momento difícil de nuestra empresa, donde gestionábamos los mismos de forma manual y arcaica, teniendo demoras absurdas, lo cual claramente nos hacía perder más clientes. Gracias a la implementación de un sistema informático, sumamente fácil de usar y con todas las prestaciones que necesitábamos, hoy en día gestionamos nuestros pedidos de manera eficiente, obteniendo mejores resultados y por ende más clientes. Recomiendo a todos la contratación de los servicios por parte de Brian Bentancourt, excelente calidad, profesionalismo y precio acorde!"

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